Olivia’s Designs

Hello there Beautiful…

What we do

Handmade Jewellery Made With Love

Welcome to Olivia’s Designs. I’m so happy you took the time to visit. At Olivia’s Designs, our aim is to make beautiful, unique jewellery that is versatile, suits every personality and every occasion. Each piece of jewellery is handmade with love!


What We Make


A unique and personalized touch to any outfit.


 A beautiful artistic accessory that can add a touch of elegance and personality.


A stunning and versatile accessory that can complement any style.

How it all began..

My entrepreneurial adventure started at six years old when I started my first business, Olivia’s, which then transitioned into Olivia’s Small Delights. Then, in November 2022 I started a jewellery business.

I was thrilled with all the jewellery I could make for myself, friends and of course, sell to the world. I have been making these creations ever since and now, I am excited to bring these creations online!

I am so excited to show you my latest designs!